Philippians 4:6 – Just do it…No Nike.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”
-Philippians 4:6, The Bible.

To be honest, I chose to start with this scripture/quote because anxiety and fear is what has kept me from sharing my thoughts. Fear that I’ll ramble, Anxious that nobody will read. But ultimately, I’ve decided I’m just going to do it. If it’s healthy – do it. Do that thing you’ve been thinking about for months, start that plan you’ve had written down in your journal for weeks, dive into the new mindset you’ve been longing to adapt. Whatever it is, just do it. Time is so precious, and we all know it cannot be stopped, nor does it wait for anyone – so *sigh* just do it.
I’ll share what I’ve been doing and wanting to do. The last two years have been rough. The entire world has been battling a pandemic, things have changed so much and with that, I feel like I’ve somewhat ‘lost’ myself. Remember when I use to blog…like a lot? I still have things I want to say, but my motivation to share has just been very low. I apologize. I’m sorry if anyone counted on me and I let them down. But most importantly, I apologized to myself. I’m sorry that I stopped believing in myself and suppressed my passion – writing. I want to get back to blogging more and releasing my thoughts through my keyboard in the future – let’s see if i’ll hold myself accountable 😮💨.
What I have been doing: I sorta kinda did something. At the top of 2021, I purchased my first professional camera. A Sony A7iii. I decided to dive into photography after doing videography since my undergraduate days. I took one or two photography classes at HU – I’m kicking myself in the present day because I WISH I would have paid attention more, lol. Nonetheless, the sh*ts hard. Silly me to think I could just pick up a camera and make money. Wrong. There are so many hungry photographers out there that my newbie self became humbled real quick. I’d often compare – honestly still do – looking at photographers who’ve been in the game way longer than me post their work, make money and gain tons of exposure. I wanted that to be me. The exposure is cool, but as a businesswoman, I was and still am focused on the money.
The reason I say, ‘Try To’ stick to your plan is because I know sh*t happens. I also learned the hard way that it’s not on my time, but instead – God’s time. Have you ever planned a whole scenario out, just for it to playout the complete opposite way? Yeah, that’s God laughing in your face wondering why you thought you were in charge of things anyway. Whenever this happens, I try not to get too bent out of shape (I italicized too because I am a character and I am sure some sort of dramatics will flow 😅). Nonetheless, I’ve learned to just leave it up to God. If it’s meant to work out, it will…eventually.
My end goal was always to make money from this, but in learning the craft, the goal expanded to: finding something new I became passionate about…and securing the bag. I knew from doing R.F.E.B. that scared money, don’t make no money (lol) AND solo production work is hard and time-consuming so I’m gon’ get my coins! I set my price, accepted some negotiating – but the goal was always to gain some sort of monetary value in return. I did not work for free, unless I chose to. And I still won’t because my equipment is expensive.
SHOTBYASHLEE comes to fruition.
So, after the camera, I copped a few lenses (three to be exact), a speed-light, 2 light stands, a boom stick, flashpoint light, umbrella softbox, plus accessories. After watching a few Youtube videos, I figured this was a good starting point. From a marketing standpoint, I decided to customize my camera to be bubblegum pink so I stood out. I knew all of this wouldn’t be cheap but I treated it like an investment. I then began to go by ‘ShotbyAshlee.’ ‘Shot’ because I take pictures/video and ‘byAshlee’ because… that’s my name.
Here’s the breakdown 🥲:
SONY A7iii Camera (new) + 3 year protection: $1,818.53
1st lens (new) + 3 year protection: $1,049.00
2nd lens (used): $856.16
3rd lens (used): $2,687.81
Speedlight (used): $125.66
Light stand (used): $61.44

C-stand [light stand] (used): $118.68
Boom stick (used…for light): $30.72
Flashpoint light (new): $349.00
Softbox (used): $23.00
S-Bracket for flashpoint (new): $22.00
TOTAL: $7,142 (excluding accessories)

I should also mention that since buying all this equipment, I’ve profited $3,410 which isn’t bad in my eyes but I plan to come harder in 2022.
Since beginning my ‘ShotByAshlee’ journey, I’ve re-designed/re-branded my ‘look’ twice (logo and color pallet), I’ve dabbled in a couple areas being: sports, portrait, maternity, weddings and events. I’ve launched a new website for my portfolio.
Bottom line, I will not limit myself. Although I haven’t figured out which type of photography I love yet, I plan to always strive and aim to produce next level material.
Words that have help(ed) me push forward:

Advocate for yourself, your brand, your future goals. Think about it, who really knows you better than yourself? No one. So why would you think anyone else would be qualified to really brag on you and what you have to offer…but YOU?! C’mon now. 2022 is here, find your passion. Figure out what you love. What brings you happiness and joy. What you will and will not tolerate. And, stand your ground when you find it.
Personally, in this journey, I was reminded of what I always knew – goals are limitless and I can do anything I put my mind to – of course through Christ who strengthens me. I am strong, I am wise and I am ambitious. With these three characterisitcs, I am unstoppable.
With love, thank you for your patience…