‘Ashlee, let me Upgrade you.’ – God.
Welcome to twenty-twenty-two! Feeling a bit ambitious and decided to make use of my day off by editing a short video of my on-camera journey and writing about my process.
EVERYONE HAS A PROCESS. Some smoother than others, but everyone has one. Mine was…interesting. I always knew I wanted to be in-front of a camera, it’s why I pursued journalism in college. My favorite course was Intro to TV-Production because my classmates and I were finally able to get our hands on equipment. Some of our assignments included solo putting together packages using old footage. Everyone was given the same footage to work with, yet each product was different. I realized, in this moment, that everyone has their own eye…what looks good to person A, may not fly with person B. Many creatives also write differently. Find your lane, get comfortable in it and of course – focus on the finish line.
I began interning at various companies once I graduated. A few major organizations being ABC News and Viacom. In these roles, I was given hands on experience, able to go on shoots as a Production Assistant, coupled with the ability to ask questions when they arose and really get a first-hand look at what goes on behind the scenes. My most memorable moments were when I freelanced for BET Digital as a PA. In love is where I fell. I solidified that I belonged in this industry after those shoots, and I do.

In 2019, AshSpeaksOfficial and AshSpeaksTV were born. With minimal mentorship (nothing hands-on, in these moments), I dived into the industry with the information I learned in college, paired with techniques from my internships/PA work. My equipment consisted of a Canon Rebel DSLR, Amazon Tripod, Amazon Microphone and my Macbook Pro. I titled my series: ‘Rooting for Everybody Black,’ inspired by Issa Rae and designed a logo that fit me, my vision and esthetic.
I conducted my first interview for the series in March 2019. That same year, I went on to produce nine, 2-4 minute videos. My boyfriend supported each ‘out of the box’ idea I had thought of and accompanied me to every shoot as my ‘camera man.’ ‘
Sidenote: Shoutout to the local businesses, influencers and whoever else I found interesting at the time that gave me a chance to sample their restaurant, and highlight their entrepreneurship, even though I had no platform.
I may fuss and lose motivation at times, but I’m always grateful for my journey. Many may have passed me by, but I stayed hungry. I wasn’t paid, but somehow felt my hardwork would pay off. In this part of my journey, I learned how to write my own scripts, shot b-roll, edited each video and promoted the finished product as best as I could. I’ll always remember this part because it was the first time I was my own boss. I was in charge of my sh*t 100%. Don’t get it twisted, I’m a student forever but the end goal was and still is, to always get back to that but with heavy income. That was 2019 – this is 2022.
Life is unpredictable, you never know what to expect. You may have an idea of what’s to come, but you never really know. This leads me to: Adversities. Here’s the textbook definition:
[Ad·ver·si·ty] – : A difficult situation or condition : misfortune or tragedy, according to Merriam-Webster.
My definition: “Unexpected sh*t coming through to break you down….” tuh, but GOD.
Adversity: My last R.F.EB episode was filmed in late January 2020, and aired on social media a month later. In March 2020, the world shut down. A global pandemic began, that’s going on presently and life as society knew it – changed. What seemed normal, was no longer normal. Hobbies that used to bring joy, fell on the back burner. Ambition that flowed through veins of many, diminished…for me, at least. R.F.E.B. had been put on hold indefinitely.
I was sad, BUT stayed grateful. If the pandemic wouldn’t have happened, there’d be no AshleeBMedia and I probably wouldn’t have purchased my first professional camera. The lock down had my pockets phat. 🥵 Bottom line, I doubt I’d be in the position I am in, today.
Now look, I can appreciate a good challenge…if it makes sense. Fast fwd a couple months into the pandemic, I was told I could no longer serve as a ‘MMJ’ at my place of employment due to politics. I knew I had to just trust God. I questioned Him, yes. But, I also trusted Him too. Like why? Why all of a sudden did the thing I loved most about my job, suddenly get swiped from my finger tips? I could no longer use their cameras. I didn’t understand why, but hey, some things aren’t meant to be understood. So I waited, and waited…and waited some more. Became frustrated with the area I was in and decided to apply for a network position. I received an offer letter a month later. I told you, I trusted Him. In the network position, my management is better and opportunities are much more vast.
“It’s feeling like Me, SZN.” – Issa Rae

Since working in this new role, I’ve gained a mentor who helped me work on my voice (flow) and writing technique. I’ve produced two packages with stellar equipment…the real cinematic deal. That sh*t that make you say, “Oooooo this is expensive!” I know everybody always says the incoming year is their year, but nah. 2022, I’m really coming harder.
THE EVOLUTION. THE REBRAND. THAT ‘NEW NEW’ – WATCH OUT, basically…but watch this first. 😉
In the words of the great Ms. Rae,
“I feel bad for anybody who doesn’t f*ck with me…”