Jeremiah 8:4 – Get UP
“You’ll trip sometimes, but you CAN’T just lay there. Get. Up.” – Joshua Grant
It’s been a while. I’ve been hella busy, but I’m back with a good message… inspired by today’s sermon in church. My youth pastor preached a phenomenal word. The core of the message was GET UP. And let’s just say that God knew what he was doing by directing me to attend today.
Before I get into my message, the last few months have been hectic, but great. Everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some. I began my internship with ABC News, I attended my first homecoming as an alumna, I celebrated my birthday, and I crossed into the pearly gates of THE best sorority to exist, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Innnnnncorporated. Just because I am as extra as can be… I’ll place this lovely gif of my line sister and I, forming an ivy, and shaking our pretty heads.

Now. Back to today’s sermon. GET UP. For the past week, I’d been feeling down in the dumps, and not myself. Reason being, I felt like I no longer had a sense of direction. My internship that felt like a job, is concluding, and I… don’t…. know… what’s next. In fact, I get prettttttty emotional when people ask me, “So.. what’s next?” No, please don’t ask me this, because I don’t have an answer. I D K.
I admit that I got pretty comfortable. This comfortability opened doors for expectations. Something an entry-level person shouldn’t do. I say this because expectations often lead to disappointments. I thought this internship would turn into a job. I was an exceptional intern and a recent graduate. But, unfortunately, it’s just not my time. So, as I sat around moping, and shed a few tears… my amazing friend Nancy reminded me that, what’s for me, is FOR me. NO ONE can block what God has for me, nor his plans for me. Between our conversation, and today’s sermon… the rules I’m going to list below, began surfacing in my head.
- Expectations lead to disappointments
When I was blessed with the opportunity to intern for ABC, it was unexpected considering the number of times I applied, LOL. When I was blessed with the opportunity to join my sorority, it was BEYOND unexpected.
RULE #2: TRUST GOD’S TIMING – If it isn’t right, it won’t work
- TRUST the process
God knows the most about how bad you want something. He knows your thoughts, how hard you work, and what you’ve been doing to make your dream a reality. Just because something didn’t happen for you, when YOU wanted, DOES NOT mean that it isn’t for you. Your passion has to be deep. It HAS to, or else it’ll succumb. Besides, the best things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue.
RULE #3: Play your position, and play it well
- Work hard, but play harder
Do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do. In my opinion, an entry-level position builds character. As an intern, you don’t do glamorous work… I mean maybe sometimes, but definitely not all the time. Majority of the time, you’re doing the stuff nobody else wants to do, and you cannot complain. So, learn how to activate your poker face. I’m still learning, LOL. The method just hasn’t ever worked for me. My face shows it alllll. I figured to put a mirror on my desk, and whenever I feel like I’m making a face, I look down and get right immediately. It’s so hard for me to hide what I’m really thinking because of my facial expressions, but I’m working on it.

Now, let me just say Rule #1 hit me the hardest. I can admit that I definitely was expecting a job immediately after the internship ended. But the reality is, things don’t work on my time. The media industry is tricky, and somewhat about luck. A position you’ve dreamt about may be filled or non-existent on a company’s career site one day… but perhaps the next week, it’s there. THAT’S how fast things change. With this being said, stay on your P’s & Q’s. Rule #2 falls right in; it’s all about God’s timing. God may not give you the job you want, because there’s something more fitting down the road. Stay patient, positive, and persistent. Rule #3, if you’re ever fortunate enough to get your foot in the door… WORK. Make connections, give 110% instead of 100%. Do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do! It’ll all pay off.
Prior to speaking to Nancy a few days ago, and attending church this morning, I had no sense of direction. I was sad, scared and hopeless. My youth pastor mentioned something about work in the sermon, and I felt like, Yup! He’s definitely speaking to me. Haha… talk about timing. I’m doing all the things I did to get my internship… networking, applying and staying positive. 2018 will be similar to 2017 in terms of great accomplishments, but better. I’m claiming and walking into the new year with a clearer view. I’m going to be just fine, and I will be successful. If anyone is going through something similar… understand that you will be, too.