To you all, from Me – Black Kings
An Ode to my Black Kings
and I hope you’ll appreciate it as much as I value you.
Most African American men I’ve come in contact with, have lacked showing how they felt. As if THEIR emotions were nonexistent to anyone other than themselves. I always wondered why, but never spoke on it. So finally, I inquired. I spoke with a good friend of mine about why men were so afraid to voice their concerns, or got frustrated and refused to speak on things that bothered them. His response was disheartening, to the point it made me emotional FOR him.
He told me, flat out:
“Because NO ONE GIVES A F%$K.”
Here I was, talking to a man who I thought had it all together. Our conversation led me to write this ode.
People surround you, but yet you still feel so alone.
And it makes me think… how many other black men feel this way?
To the point, you bottle your emotions up, cry in silence but wipe your tears if you hear someone coming.
Black man, why do you do this?
Have you been told that your emotions matter, you deserve a listening ear as much as you may serve as one to your significant other or loved one?
When was the last time you were held tight, rocked like a baby and felt vulnerable enough to REALIZE your sole purpose is more than just a provider? More than just a man, or should I say male figure.
Because listen, my black King. A man isn’t afraid to voice his concerns when wronged, isn’t afraid to cry, uses his words, instead of shutting down.
YOUR EMOTIONS MATTER. I need you to know. I care that you know your worth, you know you’re valued, and this world needs YOU.
When I say YOUR EMOTIONS MATTER, I mean actually make sense of your emotional turmoils. Come to terms with what actually fuels your happiness, situations or people who hurt you. In order for one to get better with assistance, first, you must ask. Be open enough to allow someone in; know that you can work through your fears by speaking up.
With love always,