Update: ‘Doing well, dawg’
In my last post about networking, I mentioned how I’d been interning, and working my ass off to get to where I wanted to be. Well, I’m not quite where I wanna be just yet, BUT, i’m definitely on the right path. Since the end of August, i’ve been interning 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday. And, I’m LOVVVVING it. Now, this isn’t just any internship… It’s the internship of my dreams… with a very prominent company. I’ve been trying so hard to get my foot in the door with this company for about a year now, November 2016. And, I’d apply, apply, and apply. And, every single time, I’d get denied, denied, and denied, LOL. But, wanna know what I DIDN’T DO?! Give up… I NEVER gave up. Despite getting discouraged each time I’d received an email that read:
Thank you for taking the time to apply to _________.
Based on the information you provided, we are considering other candidates whose background and experience more closely align with the qualifications and requirements of this position.
I never stopped applying, because I knew it’d pay off one day. Almost a year later, in early July 2017, I received an email that said I’d been selected for a phone interview. This wasn’t the first time I’d gotten an email like this. I was selected for a phone interview in February 2017, but I hadn’t done so well. This ties into second chances. Everything happens for a reason, I learned from the first interview and made drastic improvements. I did so well on this phone interview, that I’d been contacted about a SECOND in-person interview.
Interview day: Friday, July 28th.
Hampton University taught me that wearing business professional attire to ALL interviews, no matter the position, is a MUST! I am SO thankful for this lifelong lesson. Even if you’re interviewing to be a cashier at McDonald’s, wear a dark suit! The goal is to look as professional as possible. Employers will appreciate the extra mile you took to resemble a CEO. If you are unsure what business professional looks like, take a look at the difference below.

I can admit that the night before, I had picked out a business casual outfit and thought to myself, Eh, a pair of slacks, nice dress shirt and some heels will do. The next morning… I woke up, put the outfit on and just could not do it. There was NO WAY, I could leave the house in business casual. I switched into a black suit, white button up, and some black heels with the quickness. LOL. My conscious just would not let me do it.
Side Note: For my Non-Hamptonians, think about it like this. You always wanna stand OUT. Your competition more than likely did NOT wear a dark suit. Instead, they probably showed up in business casual. DON’T DO IT. PUT THAT SUIT ON, if it’s hot… just change after. Motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, once said, “You cannot climb the ladder of success, dressed in the costume of failure.”
If you have a phone interview, you’re super lucky. Bombing it is slim to none, ONLY IF you prepare.
- Gather information about the company (Keep this note sheet in front of you while the interview is taking place – check off things discussed to assure you don’t repeat anything they’ve already covered)
- Come up with 5-10 questions (Ask the employer after they’ve asked you your questions… try not to interrupt. Normally, once the interview is about to end, they’ll ask if you have any questions… NOW is your time. Talk about things that indicate you’ve done research)
- REHEARSE! (Ask a friend to conduct a mock interview with you, it doesn’t hurt)
- BREATHE… Relax
- Send a short thank you note/email (Within 1-2 days, let whomever you spoke with, or HR, know that you appreciated them setting aside time to speak with you)
I prepared for my phone interview with one of my mentors, Ms. Sostre. She just so happens to be employed by CBS, and a fellow Hamptonian. For about an hour and a half, we practiced interview questions and answers, and talked about things I should expect. She also reminded me that everything would be fine, and to continue rehearsing for the remainder of the day. Of course, I did just that. Went to sleep, woke up rehearsing all over again. I WAS DETERMINED TO DO WELL.
VITAL: YOU’VE got to want it for yourself. How bad do you want the opportunity? What are you willing to do? Will you be happy in this role? Will participating in the position contribute to your long term goal, in any way? Ask yourself these questions and your answers will determine the effort YOU put in. GO HARD.
I won’t disclose what went on during the interview, but just know that I arrived 30 minutes early, overlooked my notes one last time and gave it all I could. For the first time ever, I walked out of that interview confident as hell! I’d never felt that way before… for the first time ever, I saw that rehearsing countless times really helped. I DID THE DAMN THING, y’all. About 4 hours post interview… I received the call that formed tears in my eyes. The HR representative I had the phone interview with, called me to inform me that the second interview went well, and they’d like to offer me the internship. LORD, I was and, still am, SO THANKFUL. MATTHEW 7:7!! The feeling of earning something you’ve wanted for so long and worked so damn hard to get… is indescribable and like no other.
I can attest that I am where I am today, because I truly worked hard… I grinded. I did what I had to do, I remained optimistic and never gave up. It’s possible… anyone can do it, just believe in yourself. By no means, am I at the finish line… honey, I’ve just walked in the door. I’m still on the ground level. It’s all about who you know, so once you’re in…appreciate it, and never take it for granted. MAKE CONNECTIONS, LEAVE YOUR MARK. BE A “YES” MAN, even when it pains you. It will all pay off in the long run.